GLN40 Homework and Class Activity
Page history
last edited
Jon 13 years ago
Please check this site daily for updated homework and class activity.
Jan 23. Jan 24
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Jan 23, 2011
- Final portfolio work period, XCUR lab.
- If yout portfolio is complete, complete all parts of the car shopping activity for extra credit.
Jan 24, 2011
- Final in Class Performance Task, Lab 107 (all period)
- Portfolios collected...
Please note, You must complete both parts of the summative to complete the course.
- Textbooks returned.
Congratulations on completing the course! Good luck on your final exams.
Jan. 16 - Jan. 20
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Jan 16, 2012
- Block A, lab 107, Summative Continued
- Block B: Car shopping activity
Jan 17, 2012
- Block A: lab 107, Summative Continued
Jan 18, 2012
- Block A: lab 105, Summative Continued
- Block B: Car shopping activity continued
Jan 19, 2012
- Block A: lab 107, Summative Continued
Jan 20, 2012
- Block A: lab 107, Summative Continued
Jan. 9-Jan 13
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Jan. 9, 2012
Welcome Back!
- Block A: XCUR lab:
- Continue Work on Career Cruising Portfolio activities, posted Dec 12-16
- Complete/ Hand in your Green Careers assignment
Or, if you've completed these already...
Bitstrips Activity: a favourite moment from your winter vacation!
- Block B (rm. 116) Group race activity:
WorkSmart Ontario Scavenger Hunt!
- Teams of 4 students
- 2 Netbooks per group
- Questions will be posted on the SMARTboard
- Related website :
Jan. 10, 2012
- Block A: XCUR lab: summative activities, please see the handout folder :
Activity 1: Experiential Learning Opportunity Activity 2: Personal Profile
Jan. 11, 2012
- Block A: XCUR lab: Summative portfolio activities, please see the handout folder :
Activity 3: Postsecondary Plan Activity 4: Cover Letter
Jan. 12, 2012
- Block A: XCUR lab: Summative portfolio activities, please see the handout folder :
Activity 5: Résumé Activity 6: Interview Preparation
Jan. 13, 2012
- Block A: XCUR lab: Summative portfolio activities, please see the handout folder :
Activity 7: Written Reflection
Dec. 19-Dec. 23
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Dec. 19, 2011
Block A: XCUR lab Block B: Lab 107
1. Complete unfinished work on the Career Cruising Portfolios (posted last week).
2. Begin work on the Green Careers assignments: GREENCAREERS.doc
Dec. 20, 2011
Lab 107, Green Careers continued.
Dec. 21, 2011
Unusual Careers: Becoming Santa, CBC (2011)
Dec. 22, 2011
- Green Careers Assignmnet is due.
- Part 1: FBDO
Dec. 23, 2011
- Class party!
- Part 2: FBDO
Have an epic holiday season!
Dec. 12-Dec. 16
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Dec. 12, 2011
This week: Summative Portfolio Activities!
Block A: Lab 105
Block B: Lab 107
1. To create your portfolio, log into
2. Click on the portfolio tab and follow the instructions to sign up.
3. Complete the activities listed on the wiki. Please save your work to your Career Cruising portfolio, and print a hard copy.
Portfolio Activity #1 - Creating Your Personal Portfolio! This activity introduces students to the concept of a career portfolio and helps them create their own.
Portfolio Activity #2 - Saving Your Career Matchmaker Results This activity shows students how to save their assessment results to their portfolio.
Once you have complete activities 1 and 2, please try these Job Interview Simulators:
1. BBC Interview Simulator
2. Careers Wales Interview Simulator
Dec. 13, 2011
Block A: Lab 105
Block B: Lab 107
Portfolio Activity #3 - Careers that Interest Me This activity allows students to save careers that they are considering to their portfolio and record their thoughts about these careers.
Portfolio Activity #4 - Schools that Interest Me This activity helps students find schools that offer the education and training they need to pursue their career goals and save those schools to their portfolio.
Dec. 14, 2011
Block A: XCUR lab
Portfolio Activity #5 - Career Preparation & Planning This activity shows students how to record and organize their career planning activities.
Portfolio Activity #6 - Abilities, Activities & Awards This activity helps students document their extracurricular activities, skills and abilities, and the awards and certificates they have received.
Dec. 15, 2011
Block B: XCUR lab
Portfolio Activity #7 - Work & Volunteer Experiences This activity helps students document their work and volunteer experience.
Portfolio Activity #8 - Using the Resume Builder This activity takes students through the process of using their career portfolio to create a professional resume.
Dec. 16, 2011
Portfolio Activity #9- Job Shadowing Plan, Report & Reflection
Dec. 5-Dec. 9
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Dec. 5, 2011
- Google World Pencast
- Job shadowing performance task (Summative, part 1): review of expectations, timelines.
- Part 2, Are we Digital Dummies ?
Dec. 6, 2011
Career Cruising Research Project: Day 1
Dec. 7, 2011
Career Cruising Research Project: Day 2
Dec. 8, 2011
Career Cruising Research Project: Day 3
Dec. 9, 2011
Nov. 28th - Dec. 2nd
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Nov. 28, 2011
- Block A: XCUR Lab, presentations will take place Thursday and Friday
- Part 1: Google World . Please answer the following related questions .
Nov. 29, 2011
- Part 2: Google World, pencast review of answers to related questions.
- Block B: Lab 107
Nov. 30, 2011
- Block B: Lab 107
Dec. 1, 2011
Presentations, day 1
Dec. 2, 2011
- Presentations, day 2
- Part 1, Are we Digital Dummies ?
Nov. 21th - Nov. 25th
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Nov. 21, 2011
Video: Secrets of Landing and Keeping a Job
What are transferable skills and why do we need them? They are skills acquired throughout your life that can be used at any job. Filmed in a sitcom format, like "The Office". Alex, Robby and the crew at Anders-McMillan explain and demonstrate important job transferable skills including communication skills, problem solving skills, and teamwork in this entertaining and informative production.
©2010, Learning Zone Express (Learn 360)
Block B: Lab 105, Bitstrips activity: handling conflict at work.
Nov. 22, 2011
Combining interests for amazing careers: e.g. magic and technology
...and some great applications of what you learned in drama class!
Block B: Lab 105, Bitstrips activity: handling conflict at work.
Nov. 23, 2011
- Collaborative Netbook Activity: Exploring Work & Travel Opportunities
International Experience Canada
Work, Teach, Volunteering Outside of Canada
SWAP Working Holidays
Block B: Lab 105, Bitstrips activity: handling conflict at work
Nov. 24, 2011
- Oral Presentation Instructions , research using netbooks
- Quick Tutorial of
- Block B: Lab 107, work on oral presentation begins.
Nov. 25, 2011
- Work period: please prepare for your presentation.
Have a great weekend.
Nov 14th - Nov. 18th
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Nov. 14th, 2011
Article Review Assignment
Nov. 15th, 2011
- Continuation of Article Review Assignment
- Generation Boomerang Key connections: transitions after high school, entering the workplace, living arrangements as an adult, shifts in Canadian trends and perceptions of what defines adulthood and independence.
Nov. 16th, 2011
- Computer lab: post secondary research activity
Nov. 17th, 2011
- Continuation of post secondary research activity (using netbooks)
- Conclusion of Generation Boomerang
- Midterm Grade review
Nov. 18th, 2011
- Introduction to Bitstrips, Bitstips project development.
- Block A: lab 105
Nov. 7th-Nov. 11th
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Nov. 7, 2011
Ryan's Well Assembly , all period.
Nov. 8, 2011
- Block A: Lab 107, B103
- Unit 3 Activities due Friday.
Nov. 9, 2011
- Textbook activites continued
- OSR review activity
Nov. 10, 2011
- Block A: Lab 107, B103
Nov. 11, 2011
- Unit 3 Activities due Today.
- Unconventional careers: Behind the scences with Canada's Cirque du Soleil
- Class celebration and reward, TOKTW achievement goals reached!
Oct. 31st - Nov. 4th
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Oct. 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
- Final TOKTW visits.
- Progress reviews, lists of missing assignments provided.
- Block B: Lab 107
Nov. 1, 2011
- Block B: lab 107
Nov. 2, 2011
Take Our Kids to Work Day! Final numbers tabulated.
Nov. 3, 2011
Morning Field Trip:
- Class celebration, TOKTW wrap-up
Nov. 4, 2011
- Exploring unconventional careers.
- Stuntman, Steve Truglia and the Space Jump
- Block B: lab 107
Oct.24 - Oct. 28
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Oct. 24, 2011
- TOKTW class visit
- Textbook work continued.
- P/T interviews scheduled
- Upcoming field Trips: Algonquin College Open House! November 3rd.
Oct. 25, 2011
- TOKTW class visit
- Algonquin Field Trip forms collected.
- P/T interviews scheduled...
- Block A: Lab 107
- Block B: Lab 105
- Please review the Student Choice Assignment
Activity 3.1 of the Personal Management Unit , located in the handout folder:
X:\Docs\Handout\Cappello\GLN40\GLN4O_Personal Management Unit\GLN4OPU03
Oct. 26, 2011
- FINAL TOKTW class visit!
- Block A: Lab 105
- Block B: Lab 107
- Activity 3.2 of the Personal Management Unit , located in the handout folder:
X:\Docs\Handout\Cappello\GLN40\GLN4O_Personal Management Unit\GLN4OPU03
- Algonquin Field Trip forms collected.
* Mr. C is away: in training session
- Please see Mr. Cappello, office 109 to schedule a P/T interview
Oct. 27, 2011
- * 45 min class, due to P/T interviews.
- Block A: Lab 105, Personal Management, Activity 3 continued.
- Algonquin Field Trip forms collected.
* Mr. C is away: in training session
- Please see Mr. Cappello, office 109 to schedule a P/T interview, last chance!
- P/T interviews tonight
Oct. 28, 2011
- * Mr. C is away: in training session
- CBC Documentry : The Trouble with Experts (2011). Important Themes: expertise, job markets, economic and employment predictions, credentials and credentialism, the importance of independent, critical thinking.
- Last chance to hand in your Algonquin Field Trip form!
Oct. 17 - Oct. 21
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Oct. 17 2011
- TOKTW form collection, review of progress and goals
- Class discussion, how can you tell if someone is not telling the truth?
Pamela Myer "LieSpotting"
" On any given day we're lied to from 10 to 200 times, and the clues to detect those lie can be subtle and counter-intuitive. Pamela Meyer, author of Liespotting, shows the manners and "hotspots" used by those trained to recognize deception -- and she argues honesty is a value worth preserving."
- Textbook activities continued
Oct. 18 2011
- Class discussion: Exploring personal motivation, what motivates you?
- The PBS NewsHour: What Drives Motivation in the Modern Workplace? . Prod. MacNeil Lehrer. MacNeil Lehrer, 2010. Discovery Education .
- Lab activity: Personal Management Unit, Activity 1
X:\Docs\Handout\Cappello\GLN40\GLN4O_Personal Management Unit\GLN4OPU03
Oct. 19 2011
- TOKTW form collection
- Career Options magazine, reading and review of central ideas
- Block B: Lab 105 Activity 2: Self-management Skills ( ...see Oct 18th for file path)
Oct. 20 2011
Please continue working on the assignments in Activity sections 2 and 3 of the Personal Management Unit , located in the handout folder:
X:\Docs\Handout\Cappello\GLN40\GLN4O_Personal Management Unit\GLN4OPU03
Click on “unit overview” to launch the application.
Oct. 21 2011
PD Day - Have a great long weekend.
Oct. 10 - Oct. 14
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Oct. 10, 2011
- Happy Thanksgiving.
Oct. 11, 2011
- Ontario skills passport is due today.
- Class discussion, how and where do people find happiness?
TED talk: Less stuff: more happiness
- Textbook, page 20: How's your EQ? Activity: The five situations quiz
- Guest speaker assignment reviewed: an ongoing project throughout the course.
- Block B: lab 107
Oct. 12, 2011
- TOKTW follow up with classes - info session on cold calling
Part One: The Secret History of Credit Cards
- Block B: lab 107
Oct. 13, 2011
- Block A: Lab 105
- Block B: Lab 107
- Please print activities 1,2, and 3 by the end of class.
Oct. 14, 2011
- Activities 1,2,3 are due TODAY in class.
- Class discussion: Leading a life of Adventure. How is this done?
- Eustace Conway speaks at Ted X.
( Eustace was the subject of Elizabeth Gilbert's book: The Last American Man )
- Part Two: The Secret History of Credit Cards
Oct. 3 - Oct. 7
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Oct. 3, 2011
- TOKTW planning
- Textbook activities continued
- The World of Work: Getting Along with Your Supervisor . Prod. Colman Communications. Colman Communications, 1998. Discovery Education .
- Is the value of university being oversold? Cross Country Checkup with Rex Murphy, CBC Radio broadcast: Oct. 2, 2011 .
- Broadcast introduction/handout
- mp3 version of brodcast is available here .
- Block B: Lab 103, online activities continued.
Oct. 4, 2011
- Review of ideas from Sir Ken Robinson's talk in Ottawa (Oct.3, 2011)
- Block B: Lab 103
Oct. 5 2011
- Textbook activities continued (activity 18)
- Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love) on creativity:
- Block B: Lab 103
Oct. 6, 2011
- TOKTW mtaerial distribution to classes
- Cell phone safety update from Health Canada
- Steve Jobs passes away at age 5 6
- Review of due dates.
Oct. 7, 2011
-Block A: Lab 105
-Block B: Lab 103
Handout folder, Unit 1 Assignments and Activities continued:
X drive/ Docs/ Handout/ Cappello/ GLN40/ GLN40_Unit1_EN/ GLN40PU10/ unit_overview.html
Homework : Ontario Skills Passport booklet is due Monday.
Activites 1, 2 and 3 from the Handout folder are due Thursday.
Sept. 26 - Sept. 30
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Sept. 26, 2011
- Textbook activities continued (Activity 13: My Academic History)
- Class discussion about "connecting the dots" and finding your passion.
- Block B: Lab 105. GLN40 unit 1 online component begins:
X drive/ Docs/ Handout/ Cappello/ GLN40/ GLN40_Unit1_EN/ GLN40PU10/ unit_overview.html
- Complete the assignments at your own pace .
Sept 27, 2011
- Textbook Activities: My Academic History, Sequence Pattern Organizer, Descriptive Organizer
Block B:
Handout folder, Unit 1 Assignments and Activities continued:
X drive/ Docs/ Handout/ Cappello/ GLN40/ GLN40_Unit1_EN/ GLN40PU10/ unit_overview.html
Sept 28. 2011
Block A and B . Handout folder, Unit 1 Assignments and Activities continued:
X drive/ Docs/ Handout/ Cappello/ GLN40/ GLN40_Unit1_EN/ GLN40PU10/ unit_overview.html
Sept. 29, 2011
- Class discussion:
- Does a person's geneder play a role in the selection of a career?
- What defines a successful man or woman?
- CBC Documentry, Part 1: The End of Men
Important Themes :
Change : in gender roles, status, job markets, industries, purpose, mind-set, cultural expectations, traditonal routes to success, the re-definition of the authentic self and "the good life" .
- Lab 105: Unit 1 Assignments and Activities continued:
X drive/ Docs/ Handout/ Cappello/ GLN40/ GLN40_Unit1_EN/ GLN40PU10/ unit_overview.html
Sept. 30, 2011
- CBC Documentry, Part 2
- Lab 105: Unit 1 Assignments and Activities continued:
- X drive/ Docs/ Handout/ Cappello/ GLN40/ GLN40_Unit1_EN/ GLN40PU10/ unit_overview.html
Sept. 16- Sept. 23
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Sept. 19, 2011
- Getting Along at Work: How My Coworkers Will React (Group Activity)
- Great opportunity: Co-op at Rogers Television!
- Class discussion: Entrepreneur or Employee?
" Bored in school, failing classes, at odds with peers : This child might be an entrepreneur,
says Cameron Herold. At TEDxEdmonton, he makes the case for parenting and education
that helps would-be entrepreneurs flourish -- as kids and as adults."
- Lab 105: Ontario Skills Passport Workplans
Sept. 20, 2011
- Video: Careers In Television
-OR- click here to launch video in Windows Media player .
Discovery Education (Producer). (2006). Careers in Television .
- Block B, XCUR lab: Ontario Skills Passport, due tomorrow.
Sept. 21. 2011
Ta ke Our Kids to Work event planning:
- Take Our Kids to Work Day (November 2nd, 2011) Event Promotion Class project
- Video about Take Our Kids to Work Day (TOKTW)
- TOKTW project objectives, promotion teams, tasks, performance incentive
- TOKTW reflection
Cell phone habits, the workplace and your health
CNN report:
- News article: The Opiate of Messages
- W.H.O information about mobile devices
- A matter of scale, industry statistics from CTIA
- Ontario Skills Passport... final class time, Lab 105.
Sept. 22, 2011
- Textbook activities continued
- Class Discussion: What causes students to drop out of school?
- Video: Dropout Prevention: Nowhere to Go (1991)
- Reminder: SRB Parent's Night this evening!
Sept. 23, 2011
- Textbook activities continued.
- CBC Documentry: Customer (Dis)Service
Important Themes :
Change : customer demands, service job markets and shifting workplace expectations.
Homework : Please read,
News article: The Opiate of Messages
Have a great weekend.
Sept 12. - Sept. 16
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Sept. 12, 2011
- Personal Discovery Chapter reading and note.
- Dr. Philip Zimbardo, exploring motivation and time perspective (RSA Animate)
- Lab 103: Conclusion of Transition to Work Research Activity,
Ontario Skills Passport Activity
Sept 13, 2011
- Personal Discovery Chapter reading and note, continued.
-Daniel Pink, Drive: The surprising truth about motivates us (RSA Animate)
- Lab 103: Ontario Skills Passport Activity, continued.
Sept 14, 2011
- Work Smart, pg. 2-5
- Activity 1: You Then and Now
- Video: Getting Along with your co-workers,
Hard copy handout/activity related to the video.
Sept. 15, 2011
- Work Smart, pg. 5-7
- Activities: Best Job Applicants, Nine Essential Skills, Ranking Values at Work
- Lab 105: Ontario Skills Pasport Activities Continued
Sept. 16, 2011
Discovering Your Talents and Abilities
- Activities: Eight Ways to Be Smart, Your Top Three Intelligences, When the Best Job Comes Along
- Great Article about Angry Birds ( Productivity vs. Procrastination on the job)
- Getting Along at Work: How My Coworkers Will React (Group Activity)
- Ontario Skills Passport Assignment is due Wednesday Sept. 21st, 2011 .
James Cameron, Creator of the film Avatar , Describes his childhood:
Homework , Lifelong Learning:
In a TED talk, Salman Khan of Khan Academy explains how his homespun
educational videos can be part of a broader move to flip the traditional classroom
experience: Kids watch lectures online at home, then do their "homework" in the classroom.
Please watch the video and check out the Khan academy website as homework.
Sept. 6 - Sept. 9
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
Sept. 6, 2011
Welcome back! Please bring a binder pen and paper for tomorrow.
Sept 7, 2011
- Transition to Work Inventory (part 1)
- Personality Quiz Activity (see hardcopy handout).
Sept 8. 2011
- Video: Early Adulthood, The World of Work
- Video (hardcopy) handout and note
- Lab: Conclusion of Transition to Work Inventory and Personality Quiz Report
Homework : complete the Transition to Work Inventory, if not already complete.
Hand in your paragraph from the personality Quiz tomorrow, if not already already complete.
Sept. 9, 2011
- Conclusion of Early Adulthood Employment Video
- Review of major ideas/ concepts from the Video
- Personality Quiz paragraph collected
- Transition to Work research activity (hard copy handout).
Great work this week!
Have a great weekend!
Homework, Handouts and Class Activity
GLN40 Homework and Class Activity
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